music, programming, os/2 and bbs support.
located in rochester, michigan USA
access via ozone.eesc.com.
(grab mTelnet, below, it provides full ANSI support!)
stuff to download!
mTelnet 1.0 beta #12 [.zip version] (November 10th, 2003)
mTelnet .exe installer
mTelnet is a telnet client for OS/2 and Windows that has
Z-Modem, Backscroll and a Phonebook. Its great for telneting to bbs's!
thanks to Michael J. Ryan of www.theroughnecks.net for the .exe installer!
multiserver v1.0 beta2
an e-mail server for OS/2 and Win32
works with most BBS softwares..
Freeware update for Cinet v1.19
CitrusSoft Internet BBS Kit v1.19!
FTP, IRC And Telnet doors that
Allow your users to access the
Internet! The very BEST Internet
doors available! Over 7 months in
edoor v.96 for tp7!
create doors (onliners)
new features and bug
fixes, released 5-20-97
sf2web v1.1!
sf2web v1.1 - put your synchronet BBS
filebase on the web! easy to set up,
easy to use. generates .htm / .html
files for each directory + an index.
- f r e e w a r e -
miniTerm alpha #5 (October 27, 1997)
A featurefull terminal program for
OS/2. (Possibly the best, too :)
other bbs's to logon to!
Tiny's BBS
Applegate BBS
other web pages to check out!
OS/2 Native BBS Doors and Games
dink's OS/2 programs & utilities!
(this page has been accessed 146170 times)
(today's timestamp: Dec 2, 2009 9:27am)